Tiket Club

Rabu, 11 April 2012


This is an annual seminar organized by the Center for Pulp and Paper, Ministry of Industry - Republic of Indonesia. 

For 2012, the seminar is expanded into an international scale.

The symposium will be held in Bandung, Indonesia on November 20-22, 2012. 

In this symposium, the researchers and technical experts who are active in related fields, are invited as plenary and keynote speakers to enhance fruitful international exchange. In addition, this symposium also accept oral and poster presentations cencerning the research results and/or application from practitioners for more technical information and interactive discussion.

Important Deadlines 
Abstract Submission:
April 20, 2012
Notifications of Abstract Acceptance:
May 20, 2012
Full Paper Submission:
August 20, 2012

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Committee Secretariat: Center for Pulp and Paper - Ministry of Industry
Jl. Raya Dayeuhkolot No. 132 Bandung 40258, West-Java, Indonesia
Telp. 62 22 5202980 Fax. 62 22 5202871
E-mail : info@reptech2012.org http://www.reptech2012.org

Informasi lengkap klik di http://reptech2012.org/

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