Tiket Club

Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

The 4th International Conference of Indonesian Society for Lactic acid Bacteria (4th IC-ISLAB)

January 25-26, 2013

Faculty of Agricultural Technology
Gadjah Mada University
Yogyakarta, INDONESIA


The Indonesian Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria (ISLAB) was established on March 12, 2003 after the establishment of Asian Federation of Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria (AFSLAB) in November 2002 in Tokyo, Japan. Currently, approximately 200 Indonesia scientists are registered as the member of ISLAB and have been actively conducting many researches in this area. In order to disseminate the research activity and to strengthen the network among researcher as well as industrial partners, ISLAB would like to organize the 3rd Indonesian Conference on Lactic Acid Bacteria (ICLAB)
Dept. of Food and Agricultural Product Technology
Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Gadjah Mada University
Bulaksumur , Yogyakarta 55281.
Phone/Fax.: +62-274-549650
Attention: Dr.nat.techn. Francis MC Sigit Setyabudi
Webstite: http://islab.tp.ugm.ac.id
Email: islab@ugm.ac.id

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