Tiket Club

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

International Conference "Biotechnology for Human Life"

Wednesday, 14 December 2011 07:41

First Announcement

International Conference
"Biotechnology for Human Life"

July 17 & 18th 2012

Venue: Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor-West Java, Indonesia

The conference will cover the following topics:

a.    Bioactive substances for curing diseases
b.    Biological waste management
c.    Transgenic plants, animals and stem cells
d.    Methods and applications to investigate biodiversity
  • Poster Sessions
  • Short talks
  • "Meet the Prof"
  • Industrial exhibition

Invited speakers include:
  1. Prof. Wolfgang Nellen, Genetics, Kassel University, Germany (confirmed)
  2. Dr. Michael Balke, Zoologische Sammlung München, Germany, (confirmed)
  3. Dr. Stefan Schmidt, Zoologische Sammlung München , (confirmed)
  4. Prof. Andreas Vilcinskas, Insect Biotechnology, Giessen University, Germany (confirmed)
  5. Dr. Daniela Guicking, Botany-Molecular Systematics, Kassel University (confirmed)
  6. Prof. Dr. Friedrich Herberg, Biochemistry, Kassel University, Germany (pending)
  7. Prof. Dr. Jens Gebauer, Sustainable Horticulture, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Kleve (confirmed)
  8. Prof. Dr. Antonius Suwanto, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia (confirmed).
  9. Klaus Dehmer, Genotyping, IPK Genebank (confirmed).
  10. Dr. Ir. Yohanes Purwanto, Biodiversity - the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Cibinong, Indonesia (confirmed).
  11. Dr. Kinya Akashi, Tottory University, Japan(confirmed).

We kindly invite contribution in form of scientific participation and/or any sponsorship.

Responsible institutions and contact persons:

  1. Institut Pertanian Bogor
    Contact: Dr Diah Ratnadewi ( dratnadewi@yahoo.com)
  2. University of Kassel
    Contact: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nellen ( nellen@uni-kassel.de)
Organizing Committee :
  1. Prof. Dr. Muladno
  2. Prof. Dr. Sony Suharsono
  3. Dr. Miftahudin
  4. Dr. Utut Widyastuti
  5. Dr. Ence Darmo J. Supena

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